Golden Light Meditation
Sa., 22. Dez.
|Location is TBD
You're warmly invited to join for a deep meditation with the Golden Light of the Christ ✨ Level: Advanced Investment: 50,- euro Language: German / English For ladies & gents, suitable for pregnant mamas to be

Time & Location
22. Dez. 2018, 16:00 – 20:00
Location is TBD
About the Event
Coming up: Golden Light Meditation
22.12 Berlin, Mitte
For advanced practitioners only
High vibrational meditation with the Golden Light of the Christ
During the Winter Solstice and annual Full Moon in Cancer, there’s the opportunity to bring down the Light during the darkest days of the year. We come together in a small likeminded group to refresh our energy levels and gently wash away any old pain and shadows.
The Light of the Christ transcends black / white, darkness / light, male / female and embraces all exactly as it is. It is the embodiment of peace and grace. Through this acceptance, powerful healing can happen and we feel nourished, calm and refreshed. Shadow work unfolds light and gentle, loving and easy as you observe your lessons from the higher standpoint of your Soul Self. There's no need to suffer.
During this last sweet & deep meditation of the year, we also take a moment to look at where we’ve been in the past 12 months, where we’ve arrived in present day, and where we'd like to go in the time ahead. So set your intentions for a magical, bountiful and loving 2019! 🌟
💎 Program:
• Intro & sharing circle
• Clearing through gentle yoga, opening up your energetic body
• Guided meditation, Divine Light download
• Seeding your intentions for 2019
• Return to Earth / your body
• Outro & sharing circle
💎 Benefits:
• improved clarity of mind & spirit
• improved mood
• heavy emotions and blockages are lifted
• renewed energy & good vibes
• feeling of being *you* again
• Theme: Christ consciousness, Awaken the Healer Within
• Colour: Warm golden
• Level: Advanced
• Facilitator: Selianthe Ka
• Energy exchange: 50,- euro
• Language: German / English
• Exact location given upon registration
💎 How to join:
Send your application to
* Please note due to the high vibrational work that will be done I only accept advanced level of practitioners for this session. If you feel the call to join and you haven't worked with me before, please don’t hesitate to send me a small intro and why you'd like to join ♡
The session is open to both ladies and gents. I have 3 spots available for an intimate gathering.
Looking much forward to stepping into the Light with you!
Liebe Umarmung,
Selianthe Ka is a yogini who’s work focuses on balancing the material and spiritual planes. Experienced in meditations and familiar with energy healing since years she has a passion for teaching techniques for healing and reconnection. Born highly sensitive and an empath, Selianthe is a natural healer and intuitive who senses the energetic fields of people and places. Since 2011 she’s made a study out of various forms of yoga, modern spirituality as well as qigong – practices that teach techniques to nurture and relax the nervous system, cultivate energy, expand awareness, quiet the mind and strengthen the subtle body.
“Every day I practice reconnection, healing meditation, yoga and chakra clearing to harmonise my energy field and keep my vibration high and uplifted. I focus on cultivating awareness, self-love, non-judgement, personal ascension & descension, off-planetary alignment, Crystal Consciousness, from the heavens to the earth, essentialism & transformation, from an out-of-control ego back to the core essence of Self.” – Selianthe
See also:
"Zuallererst möchte ich ein großes DANKESCHOEN an Selianthe geben! Die Meditation mir ihr war ein unglaublich bereicherndes, multidimensionales und, für mich persönlich, sehr intimes Erlebnis. Schon bevor wir die eigentliche Session gestartet haben, konnte man fühlen wie viel Herzblut und Achtsamkeit Selianthe investiert hatte um einen sicheren und urteilsfreien Raum zu schaffen. Unsere Session liegt jetzt schon mehrere Monate zurück, in vielen Momenten denke ich daran zurück und kann jedes Mal aufs Neue etwas daraus schöpfen. Vielen Lieben Dank nochmal Selianthe - würde mich sehr freuen noch einmal teilzunehmen und kann es jedem nur sehr empfehlen :) Alles Liebe xxx Theresa" – Theresa, German girl in Amsterdam
“I really enjoyed the meditation. Even before we started I could feel how much heart and soul Selianthe had put into creating, guiding and hosting the journey. It was a very safe space to dive deep, let go, purge the old and receive deep insights and gifts. Really the experience itself was so multidimensional that it would be hard to put in words. I really enjoyed the beautiful sense of connection in the group, that made it very easy to feel ‘at home’ and share the journey. The loving space Selianthe created that continued beyond the meditation into the sharing round afterwards enabled me to deepen and integrate the experiences. I left feeling re-centred and reconnected. Thank you again.” – Mirjam, German girl in Berlin