Discover essential tools to protect and calm your system for optimal, stress-free living! In this little product reco guide, I compiled a helpful list of options I use to maintain a healthy, calm state and avoid my moments of over-arousal.

What is an HSP or empath?
HSPs (Highly Sensitive People) and empaths make up a small number of people in society and are born with a different nervous system and brain responses. The innate trait allows us to register more information, smell more deeply, hear stronger, have strong intuitive abilities, and as an empath even pick up other people's emotions and life force energy also known as 'prana' or 'chi'.
Empaths belong to the group of highly sensitive people (HSPs) however differ in the way they can also register prana and other people's emotions – and sometimes, depending on your type of empath, even physical pain. This means all empaths are HSPs, however not necessarily the other way around.
Since we process more, as well as more deeply, highly sensitive souls reach the threshold of the maximum amount of stressors and stimuli more quickly (i.e. we are "prone to sensory overload" as Dr. Judith Orloff describes it), and therefor need certain life adjustments and good personal boundaries to function and lead a happy fulfilled life in this non-HSP world.
This guide is meant to help you avoid your moments of over-arousel and maintain a stress-free state of being, where you are in harmony with your environment. A step closer to accepting your highly sensitive needs! Let me know in the comments which one you like? I'd be curious for your feedback.
Earplugs from Loop
As an HSP or empath, noise hits us harder than most people. Annoying, loud voices from colleagues, people in public, cars and other noises we encounter in our day to day can really impact your stress levels and can be exhausting to our systems. Luckily, you can cancel out noise from your surroundings, while you keep the opportunity to hear conversations and key sounds – just muted! With these earplugs by Dutch company Loop you have a calmer listening experience. I love wearing these while I still need to be able to have conversations, and when I do can feel my body relax and focus better. Loop also of course offers noise cancelling earplugs that leave out all sound, you can find more options in their offer here.

Bach Flower Remedies®
Bach Flower Remedies are special flower essences, developed in the previous century by a British man called Dr. Edward Bach. Dr. Bach studied medicine at the University College Hospital, London, and obtained a Diploma in Public Health at Cambridge. Despite the success of his work in conventional medicine, he felt dissatisfied with the way doctors were expected to focus on diseases and ignore a holistic approach, so he chose to follow his inner wisdom and explore alternative therapies. According to the Bach Fower Remedies® website "he believed that illness is the effect of disharmony between body and mind. Symptoms of an illness are the external expression of negative emotional states." In 1928 he started to make his own remedies based on the healing essences of plants. In total he developed 38 different remedies, each for a different emotional imbalance. People who are sensitive and work with these plant essences will observe emotions becoming unblocked and balanced out. Examples include Crab Apple to accept imperfections and remove the feeling of being 'unclean', Centaury to develop a good expression of healthy boundaries, Star of Bethlehem to neutralise grief and the effects of trauma, and Larch when you need more self-confidence. I have used the Bach Remedies with great astonishment and gratitude, watching the effects and changes in my mood and behaviour. You can find all Bach Remedies here.
One of the most special and favourite ones is the specially developed Rescue Remedy for moments of overwhelm and stress. When you take a couple of drops you can feel your body relax. So next time you have to board a plane, do a job interview, or go to a concert take some of these drops. You can even give this to your animal companions – for instance during NYE or a visit to the vet! Just like with us, it will help them relax in stressful and overwhelming situations. You can find the product link here. In the Netherlands and Germany you can purchase the bottle in your local pharmacy, or online via Amazon.
Lavender Essential Oil
The smell of lavender is instantly relaxing and kind to your nervous system. Especially when travelling it's wonderful to take a little bottle with you and leave a couple of drops on your scarf, pillow or (if you have one) in your bathtub. Lavender oil helps with sleep, lowers anxiety and according to PubMed "there is growing evidence suggesting that lavender oil may be an effective medicament in treatment of several neurological disorders. Several animal and human investigations suggest anxiolytic, mood stabilizer, sedative, analgesic, and anticonvulsive and neuroprotective properties for lavender."

Water Diffuser
Take it one step further and brighten up your home with essential oils in a lovely water diffuser! Healthier than burning incense or palo santo, however these options also immediately calm down your nervous system just not as good for your lungs longterm great options are (blended or singular): rose / frankincense / mint / orange and of course lavender. Of course a scented candle made from organic materials also works wonders!

Water Filter
To calm down and clear away the energies of the day I love to take a long, hot shower in the evening. Water has cleansing qualities and can help you clean not only your physical, but also your energetic body, washing away any foreign energies. However nowadays our water is loaded with environmental toxins that can cause stress to your system. To avoid unnecessary stress and destroying your skin and hair, best to install a water filter – a non-negotiable when you live in a city with hard water such as Berlin. As opposed to Stockholm, Zurich or Amsterdam, cities like Berlin and London have a way harsher water quality, which ruins your skin and hair. Not to mention that that the drinking water is filled with heavy metals, washing detergents and more. Filters are highly effective at reducing common contaminants such as chlorine, lead, and mercury. Ideally for drinking water you find a filter that also takes out pesticides, hormones and washing detergent. I personally love the Hello Klean filter for in the shower! You can find the link here.
Mineralised Bath Salt
If you have a bath in your home then epson or magnesium bath salt is a must! It helps so much with calming down your body and expanding into a deep relaxation, while the special salt helps to detox your body and pull out strange energies that do not belong to you. I personally love this option from the German chain Rossmann, you can find the link to the product here.
Interested in more stress reduction?
Book a healing session as the ultimate moment of soul nourishment and relaxation. In my workshops and private sessions I bring a healing cocoon around you and share proven strategies on how to keep yourself balanced, nourished and in harmony. You can book a private healing session here.

All of these product recommendations are unsponsored and come from my personally loving them! Feel welcome to share the information on this site with others, although I do request that you include this website address, credit your source/page links and author.
All postings by Selianthe Ka – Sweet Energy Yoga, may be used for personal, non-profit purposes only.